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A plant care app for the plant murderer — 
I mean... enthusiast.

2019  |  iOs app research & design, personal project

Tailored plant care app.

Just me on this personal project, with some input over coffees from my mentor.

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Sprout dashboard

The Problem

I wanted to design a new app that reminds busy people to water their plants.
  • The challenge with existing apps was that simple reminders are often issued at a place or time where the user can’t really act on them, like while the user is at the office. Wouldn’t it be better to issue a specific reminder as the user arrives home?

  • The secondary problem is that even when reminded, users might not know exactly by how much to water their plants, given every microclimate is different. This often results in over, or under-watering and subsequent plant discolouration or death.

The Goal

How might we enable busy plant owners to take timely and precise actions to keep their plants healthy?

Reduce plant killings by 100%

Reduce user watering error

Reduce user frustration & despair

The Solution

Tailored plant care monitoring app with soil probe.
  • Geo-location reminders when users approach their homes, so reminders are timely & relevant.

  • Predictive alerts — alerts based on climate as a preventative measure, so users can protect their plants the night before a hot day.

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Sprout Onboarding
Sprout Dashboard collapsed
How might we ensure busy users don't forget to water their plants?
Sprout analytics
Sprout Dashboard
How might we enable busy plant owners to make the right decisions to keep their plants healthy?
  • Soil probe - to monitor moisture in the soil and prescribe accurate watering care.

  • Daily dashboard - see how much water you'll need each day, and check off each plant reminder as you go.

  • Plant health Analytics — so users can track plant health over time.

Sprout onboarding step 1
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© 2024 Sophie George

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